By Sanford Hall
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you had a wonderful celebration with your family and friends. It's the beginning of a new year for all, let's hope and pray this year is a wonderful year for each of you. I sure hope it's a much less challenging year for myself.
I have outlined a few goals to achieve this year and hope you have done the same. Number one is to spend much more time with my wife and children this year. Invest more in the stock market, yourself and lastly to quit procrastinating.
I would like to hear some of your goals as well, so give some feed back in the "comment" section and lets' achieve our goals together. Many people tend to set goals at the beginning of the new year but very few achieve them. Be persistent, write down your goals and mark them off as you go along. Let's make this year a goal achievement year. Sing along the praise of a Happy New Year.